Cover Reveals, Magnetic Press

Pistouvi by Merwan and Bertrand Gatignol Graphic Novel Preview

Today on The Booked Shelf is a special preview for a new Young Adult fantasy graphic novel set to be released this fall with Magnetic Press, Pistouvi!

Pistouvi is pitched as a “magnificent, lyrical fable” that follows a girl named Jeanne and her best friend, a little fox named Pistouvi. The art will be in black and white, while the storytelling itself evokes a dark and whimsical atmosphere.

The two friends are inseparable, however adulthood causes them to slowly drift apart and Pistuovi is suffering from the pull of a flock of babbling mockingbirds. This graphic novel is about the transition from childhood to adulthood, tinged with disillusionment.

The author is Merwan and illustrator is Bertrand Gatignol.

The official book trailer launched today on August 31, which can be found on the publisher’s YouTube here.

Magnetic Press is an imprint of Lion Forge. Pistouvi was originally published in France of 2011.

Childhood should last forever…

Jeanne is a little girl who lives with a mischievous young fox named Pistouvi. They share a charming little treehouse surrounded by a magical prairie tended by a giant ‘tractor-man’ and the wind-spirit he loves.

Together, Jeanne and Pistouvie spend frolicking days without a care, but soon, the birds arrive and everything changes…

A magnificent, lyrical fable about the transition from childhood to the world of adults.

Pistouvi by Merwan and Bertrand Gatignol is set to be released November 20, 2020!